Themed Restaurants


Themed food and beverage is a challenge in any market. You always need to determine a cost per square foot or meter; versus the revenue being generated per square foot or meter. Theming and scenery can bust a budget. And if the quality and type of food served is not carefully matched with the market the restaurant business will struggle.

In China, I have become aware as to just how diverse the taste and market really is. In my western mind; thinking that Chinese food is, well, Chinese food. But in Asia there is a huge selection cuisines. One is catering to a much larger diversity than ever imagined. Every Province and region actually has local dishes and the taste and spices can be traced back many generations. Many regions have dishes that are cultural to that area. They can be based on many local themes such as mythology, climate, and seasons.

A Chinese food court may look like one big Chinese restaurant to western eyes, but the diversity is as different as having Italian, French, Mexican, and American all beneath one roof.